Tanner Galleries
Tanner Galleries in New Orleans, Louisiana.
The hauntingly, lovely art found here, epitomizes the deep and multifaceted history of the South. It prompts me to confront the disconnectedness I have the tendency to live in… Disconnectedness from nature, my past, and my surroundings. It reminds me to take notice of the beautiful landscapes, unique to our area.
I am a strong believer in loving where you live, and seeking art all around you, no matter where you are. Tanner does that with impeccable skill, and inspires me to have an eye for the beautiful, especially when it seems dark.
His work is very much alive… When you look at it, it’s like a scene from a hundred years ago. As if you are getting a glimpse into a timeless wood that’s been untouched. There is a great reverence to his art.
If you know me, you know I love graveyards. I know it sounds odd, but one of my favorite things to do is visit old gravestones, and read the inscriptions. They remind me of my smallness and how fleeting time is, but they also leave me feeling grounded and not alone in my mortality. That feeling is captured in the three paintings titled “NATCHEZ REMEMBERED”, one of which, is pictured below.
I cannot wait to visit the studio in person, when Covid-19 allows. Until then, I will continue to swoon over the Tanner Gallery & Studio Instagram, which makes me feel like I’m walking the streets of Nola, soaking in all the vibrant culture and history. Be sure to follow them!